Thursday, May 31, 2007

The Birthday Boy

My little Doberboy turned 6 years old on Sunday, May 27th! I can't believe it! After all of the weight he's lost, I feel like he's still just a young man! He looks like it, too! :) :)

Monday we had a lot of fun. We met my stepmom Debbie, my brother D (who had his friend Kameron with him) and their doggies at the the river for a nice long walk. We stopped at PJs, and Debbie treated us to some delicious ice cream! When our walk was over, we went over to my dad's house where we let the dogs run and play and just have a fun time. They definitely had a lot of fun! As you will see in the very last photo, Jade slept the whole way home... and it was only 11 miles, haha.

My brother, Patrick and me
Dogs (from left): Hubble, Jade, Bambam

Patrick and Debbie walkin' the doggies along the river...

Here, Jade is running and enjoying the backyard that he hasn't visited since last Spring!
It had been too long! :)

Haha, my goofy Dobermonster

Hubble growled at Jade bunch of times, so Jade was unsure as to whether or not he was comfortable around Hubble. Can you tell?!

They allllll love the shade tree. :)

Kameron (on the left) and D under the swingset with Samantha and Bambam

Hubble looking like a cute little fawn!

Happy Hubs

Hubble and Jade wanting to come inside the pool fence...

Bambam doing her Cairn stance... ;)

Hubble sitting at the base of the wicked nice "treehouse" my dad built/is in the process of finishing...
My little black Thoroughbred
Ahh, I'm being chased by a vicious Dobermonster!! ;)
Jade's cute Doberbutt is going after a tennis ball in this photo.
My boys
My sleepy puppy during the ride home!

Yucky Class

Agility tonight was "eh."

Jade was not focused at ALL. You'd think he was like one year old or something. He acted like we'd never done any of this stuff before.

All we did in tonight's class was sequence after sequence, and that is so much fun, but it was not very fun tonight because Jade kept running off. It was so annoying.


A few years ago, we used to go to the dog park. "Used to" being the key phrase here. During two visits in a row (TWO SEPARATE INCIDENTS), Jade was mauled by two different Boxers. Now, he holds a grudge. Me personally, I have nothing against Boxers - I think they are absolutely beautiful, and the ones that I have met, I love! However, I believe Jade is prejudiced against them, hah.

Anyway, we're finishing a jump --> jump --> tunnel --> jump --> jump --> table sequence, and this woman (who had just arrived for Linda's next class, I think) is standing along the outer edge of the field with her large, unneutered male Boxer. Jade sees the dog, breaks our sequence, bolts for the corner of the fence, and is all snarling and barking his big deep "mean" bark. Then, he wants to get to this dog so badly that he trots along the edge of the fence, finds the gate, pushes it OPEN and runs past Patrick, runs through the other dogs in our class and gets to the woman and her Boxer. Once he gets there, he dances around and both dogs show no aggression toward each other. All this time, I was yelling, "JADE! COME! JADE, COME!" and so on and so forth. I went after him, and when Jade got out of the fence, Patrick ran after him and grabbed him after he had danced around the Boxer for a couple seconds.

Okay, I know nothing major happeneed, but I was extremely annoyed by this, especially since he had been so distracted all class long! Ugh. I just did not have fun tonight. He seriously acted like he had never seen any of those obstacles before! Whereas two weeks ago, when we had our very first class since NOVEMBER, he ran a sequence sooo nicely! It was just ridiculous.

I didn't make a very big deal about it, I don't want him to remember class as me being frustrated with him. But still...


Hopefully next week will be better.

On a lighter note, the evening itself was gorgeous! It is quite warm and hazy (so pretty!) with a gentle breeze. The sky has been overcast with the sun shining through some thin clouds, so as the sun has been setting, it was getting pinker and purpler... just so pretty.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Emo Dobe

Here's Jade, soaking up the ear rubs from Patrick...
being the Doberman Love Sponge that he is. :) :)

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Agility - Class 1

Thursday was our first agility class of our second session: Advanced Beginner.

Jade did so well, considering it's been 6 months since our last agility session ended! After becoming reacquainted with the obstacles, we ran a 6-obstacle course! It went like this:

A-frame --> jump --> tunnel --> jump --> dog walk --> jump

Jade did everything perfectly, except that nobody remembered to put the bar back up in one of the jumps (He went between the poles anyway, though! Good boy! :), and when he got off the dog walk, he decided he wanted to run to Patrick. He came right back, though, flew over the jump and we were done! It was so much fun. I love class. :) :)

Patrick took these photos!

Linda holds Jade while we got ready to do the jump chute.
Jump chute!
Blue! This is Liz's Lab. We first met in our agility class last Fall. By chance, we had obedience together last session, and now we set it up so that we have our current obedience and agility classes together! It's so fun to have a friend in class with you. :)

Jade was watching a little black and white kitty play tiger in the grass in the beautiful fields surrounding us.

Liz and Blue!

Cutter and Kevin were in our agility class last Fall, too! Cutter is sooo good and sooo cute!
Linda is showing Cutter the target at the base of the A-frame.
There are two beautiful Goldens in our class.

Climb it!

Walk it!

This is Dottie... She's so adorable!

Liz and Blue
Looking for the jump...

Jade's adorbale Dobie butt going over the last jump :)