Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Jade is officially a Canine Good Citizen! :)

Jade passed his CGC test last night! For those who do not know, CGC stands for Canine Good Citizen, which is a program run by the American Kennel Club promoting good manners, etc in dogs. It's a really fun program, and it's so great for dogs and their people to accomplish it together, so you should definitely check it out!


Not only did Jade pass, but our whole class passed!

Congratulations to Liz and Blue, Kit and Cinder and Lynda and Dottie! :) :)

Granted, there were only four of us, but still! It was really exciting! We are all so proud of each other and our dogs. It's very rewarding. After we had all tested and passed, we had a little party. The doggies played and bounced around and had fun. Linda (our amazingly awesome and sweet trainer) had brought some yummy cookies for us and some tasty treats for the doggies. She also surprised each pup with their own new big stuffed animal squeaky toy! I never buy stuffed animals for Jade because he tears them to shreds within a few minutes (he only has bones and hard rubber toys that last a long time), but last night when we got home, Patrick and I tried to help him understand that it's fun to just chew on the toy and squeak it rather then "killing it." He learned so quickly, and he has been carrying it around like his own little baby doll ever since. It's so cute. He brought it to bed last night and even brought it in the car with us this afternoon when we went for a ride, hehe. He's so cute.

Linda, thank you so much for the wonderful toy. Jade is so attached to it already! :)

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